
Image result for welcome bee clipart
Welcome to the Grade 1 Busy Bee classroom blog!! We are so excited you have joined us in our learning journey! Ms. King is super excited about all the wonderful learners buzzing in our classroom!
You are welcome to comment and join in our learning conversations and share our blog with family and friends! We can't wait to share what we are doing in our class with everyone!
Here we go!!


April Newsletter

Please take some time to read when you get a chance (as we know families are extremely busy) and access if there are any questions that should arise along the way.

April Calendar
This is our April calendar of events for Grade 1! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

February Newsletter

Another super detailed newsletter for reference for the month of February! Please take some time to read when you get a chance (as we know families are extremely busy) and access if there are any questions that should arise along the way.  

February Calendar
This is our February calendar of events for Grade 1! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

Cheers to the second term of Grade 1 and continued success!
January Newsletter
Another super detailed newsletter for reference for the month of January! Please review at your convenience.

January Calendar
This is our January calendar! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

Cheers to the New Year, fresh starts and continued success!

December Newsletter

Thanks for taking the time to read our lengthy class newsletters! This is maybe way more information that you have time to read but if you ever have questions as to what is happening, this is a great source of info to reference! 


December Calendar

Lots of excitement for December! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

November Newsletter

Two months into the school year already! This is another detailed but really comprehensive newsletter with some reminders for the Busy Bee classroom! Please take some time to read when you get a chance (as we know families are extremely busy) and access if there are any questions that should arise along the way.

November Calendar
This is our November calendar! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! We have a couple exciting events we are coordinating and will keep you posted there. Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

October Newsletter

We made it through the first very busy month of September! This is another detailed but really comprehensive newsletter with some reminders for the Busy Bee classroom! Please take some time to read when you get a chance (as we know families are extremely busy) and access if there are any questions that should arise along the way.

October Calendar
This is our October calendar! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! We have a couple exciting events we are coordinating and will keep you posted there. Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

September Newsletter
Our first newsletter for the school year!! This is super detailed but really comprehensive with information about the Busy Bee classroom! Please take some time to read when you get a chance (as we know families are extremely busy) and access if there are any questions that should arise along the way.

Parent Feedback & Information Form
Please complete and return by Friday, September 8, 2023.

September Calendar
This is our September calendar! Although we can send home a paper copy, this blog has the most up to date information! Check out the blog calendar regularly for upcoming dates and information or the Homework & Reminders page.

Looking forward to an amazing year with a fantastic group of students!